Helpful Tips for Preventing Engine Problems

HESCO Automotive • 31 October 2023

Your car's engine is the heart of your vehicle, and keeping it in good working condition is essential for a smooth and reliable driving experience. Engine problems can be costly to repair and can leave you stranded on the side of the road. To avoid such problems, it's important to take proactive measures to prevent engine problems. At HESCO Automotive & Performance Center, we provide expert auto maintenance in the greater Birmingham, AL area. Our local mechanics can help to keep your engine in great shape for as long as possible. Here are some helpful tips for preventing engine trouble.

Regular Oil Changes

One of the most crucial aspects of engine maintenance is regular oil changes. Engine oil lubricates moving parts, reduces friction, and helps cool the engine. As time passes, oil breaks down and becomes less effective, leading to increased wear and tear on your engine. Follow your owner’s manual guidelines for oil change intervals, and use high-quality oil that meets the specifications for your vehicle.

Keep the Cooling System Healthy

A properly functioning cooling system is essential for preventing overheating and engine damage. You should keep an eye on your coolant and always follow your car's maintenance schedule for coolant flushes and radiator checks.

Change the Timing Belt As Required

If your car has a timing belt, be sure to replace it according to the manufacturer's recommendations. A broken timing belt can result in catastrophic engine damage, so it's crucial to stay current with this maintenance task.

Visit the Shop if You Notice Anything Unusual

Your car often gives you early warning signs of engine problems. Unusual noises, strange smells, and warning lights on your dashboard are all indications that something might be wrong. Pay attention to these signs and address them promptly.

Regular Maintenance Check-Ups

Regular maintenance check-ups can include inspecting the engine, belts, hoses, and other critical components. Scheduling such check-ups may result in the mechanic identifying developing problems that can then be addressed before they escalate.

Auto Maintenance in Birmingham, AL

When you need auto maintenance in Birmingham and the surrounding area, contact HESCO Automotive & Performance Center at (205) 526-3796. At our local auto shop, we can expertly address your vehicle’s repair and maintenance needs. Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment! 

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